Our know-how

Intergenerational winemaking know-how



The estate has been in the family since 1958 and has been handed down from generation to generation, with its know-how… and its secrets.

Before taking over the Domaine in 1990 from their uncles, Edouard and Denise Castellino worked alongside them for several years to learn the cultivation gestures and practices as well as the specificities of each parcel. Edouard and Denise have since been joined by their son Mathieu, who studied oenology and obtained an agricultural engineering diploma in order to perfect his knowledge of the latest practices.

Quality, from vine to vat

The estate pays particular attention to all stages of the winemaking process, with quality as the only priority. On the vineyard level, a strict monitoring of maturity is implemented in order to start the harvest at the most optimal dates. Harvesting generally begins at night and ends at dawn, in order to benefit from the natural freshness of the grapes and thereby preserve a maximum of aromas.

On the cellar level, the estate has equipped itself with a thermo-regulated stainless steel cellar allowing it to control the temperature of the musts as well as modern wine-making equipment. Vinification takes place in optimal hygienic conditions.

The Domaine’s wines are regularly rewarded at the Concours Général Agricole de Paris.

Passion and creativity

Strongly committed to tradition, the Domaine de Canta Rainette is no less driven by innovation and creativity. Every year, trials are carried out to plant new grape varieties or to experiment with new winemaking methods in order to explore new ways of making and creating new vintages.

Since 2018, the estate has been creating its own Crémant Provençal, totally vinified, matured and bottled on site, following the Traditional Method. This new know-how, unconventional in Provence, allows the estate to be independent of external companies and thus to offer a product that is 100% authentic.

Environmentally friendly agriculture

The Canta Rainette Domaine is strongly attached to its terroir and its preservation.

Since its creation, the estate has been working towards reducing the use of phytosanitary products. This implies that the use of additives is never systematic, but only carried out according to the climatic conditions and the specificity of each plot. Frequent visual inspections are carried out in order to monitor the development of the vines and to alleviate any problems at the right time, for optimal efficiency. Where an alternative is possible, the Domaine gives priority to mechanical work; this is particularly the case with soil tillage.